The Face of Newark Abroad

Posts tagged ‘language’

Things Country Cousins Say

Living in Florida as a child you don’t notice the southern drawl or phrases unique to the south. As an adult, I’ve recently spent a significant amount of time in Florida and have repeatedly been asked, “Why you talk so proper?” Apparently compared to everyone here I do speak properly, lol.

I came to Florida to spend time with family and my Country Cousins keep me laughing, even when they are not telling jokes! I love them dearly but had to share some of their and other country folks’ sayings, words and phrases. If you said these things anywhere else but the south, no one would understand you, and from a Yankee like myself, you would get a prompt, “Excuse me?”

  • What it is?
  • I got ribs on my pants!
  • You don’t weigh but a buck 05 wet.
  • I like facet water.
  • What that book is you readin?
  • My doctor called the emergency wagon.
  • Come to church lookin real fine.
  • Who that is?
  • I cain’t talk loud cuz I’m in the li-berry!
  • He finna go hog wild!


Paris: Day 126

Logo Graffiti

Day 126 of life a la France.

I feel like a tourist that has just been here for a really long time. I wouldn’t even consider myself a foreigner yet. Though I am beginning to imagine life as a foreigner is going to be a difficult one!

I’m still having a tough time ordering food in restaurants and boulangeries. When I try to speak French I’m sure it sounds awful, but you gotta start somewhere.

Since my last post there have been a few (mostly American) holidays that have passed. For Thanksgiving, I spent the entire day, literally from 10:00 am – midnight at my school library. I did leave for a lunch break though. I spent Christmas in Germany with some American friends. (I am thankful for them and their fried food!) I spent New Year’s Eve at parties and under the Eiffel Tower.

We did not want to go to the Eiffel Tower. We compared it to being in Times Square, NYC to watch the ball drop. It just sounded like a tourist nightmare. We managed to squeeze about 20 people into a 10 or 11 meter apartment to begin the festivities. There was more drinks there than any of us needed, but there was also food. Real food: pasta salad, baguettes, cheese, olives, pepperoni, and baked chicken!

We left there about 11:15 and took a short walk to the Eiffel Tour. It was not as bad as we expected. There were thousands of people there, but it was bearable and we had a good time. There was no countdown but when the tower illuminated with its sparkly lights, everyone cheered, hugged, kissed, and were treated to champagne showers. It was definitely a moment none of us will ever forget; our 1st New Year’s at the Eiffel Tower.

So the journey of a young lady from New Jersey trying to blend into Paris continues. I have no idea what will happen next but whatever it is I will be sure to share it with you!


Decorations on the Champs Elysees

Decorations on the Champs Elysees Christmas Market